Porn legend Nina Hartley Combines Forces With the Vicky ‘Vette Nation Army’

Posted on September 1, 2008


Press Release:

Milf adult superstar Vicky Vette announces today that legendary adult superstar Nina Hartley has joined up to be a part of Vicky Vette’s ‘Vette Nation Army’ (‘VNA’). Vette runs With Nina Hartley signing up,effective immediately members of will now also have complete access to and Vice Versa.

Vicky Vette says: “In February, fans started calling themselves privates in the Vette Nation Army. It has gotten so popular that has never been a better place to visit on the net than it is right now. I decided to compete with the ‘big boys’ in adult, and add a bunch of new sites to my arsenal of porn – Nina’s site is the first to be added. She is such a legend and star that it is only fitting that her site be the first. Nina and I have a lot in common and she works for a lot of great causes. I’ve always admired her. That woman knows more about sex than any one person should! It’s almost scary! Lol…. ”

Nina Hartley is quoted as saying: ‘It is awesome to be part of such a growing network of sites. Vicky and I have worked together in the past so I expect nothing but big things.

Vette plans to add at least two other sites to the ‘Vette Nation’ – newcomer Kora Cummings and fetish performer Sasha Sparks, both with sites that are soon to be live. She is in talks with other sites to add.

Vicky goes on to say, “This whole campy thing just kind of took off. Members loved it. I am the Commander in Briefs, Nina is the Chief of Secret Police, Kora is a Private First Class in the Rear Guard, and Sasha is going to be in Missile Operations. I think we have something most sites in the world do not currently offer – a ton of porn like any other site, plus a very active fun community with webcams, 3 chats per week, and full interaction. I am most proud of my members only board that is blosomming with other pornstars posting, girls, guys, couples and even a threesome. We even have private chatrooms where the members have cyber sex without us! I think people want more than just porn and I am trying to give them that. It does not matter what site you sign up to by the way. If you are a member of my site you get Nina’s and if you sign up to Nina’s you get mine. As we add other sites, the same is going to be true. I am very excited – Nina is awesome!”

Vicky is also looking for other sites to add to her network. If interested she is available to discuss the details through email.

Vicky can be reached at:

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