Bobby Vitale raped Julie Meadows on set. She also talks about her encounter with Max Hardcore.

Posted on July 21, 2009


Julie Meadows

But of course it’s a lie, right? Because how can a porn star be raped & woman have all the power in porn. It’s that usual script that’s read by the industry about how glamorous and empowering porn is for women.

First off, Julie is now a new contributor at Mike South’s blog. She’ll write a weekly column. She’s also started her new website where she writes about her life and her experiences in the adult industry. She started in the adult industry in 1998 and retired in 2004.

Julie’s first column for Mike was about her horrible experience working with Max Hardcore. She says he has a strange and psychotic, snaggle-toothed smile frozen on his face. She was also told by a woman who came stumbling out of Max’s bathroom that he has a small penis. Julie says the woman had dark rings around her eyes and looked only half alive.

Now about Bobby Vitale. Julie’s biography on her website says how Bobby had raped her on set. Here is her account:

    Bobby Vitale, basically, raped me in a scene. He was fine all day, then just before the scene he went into the bathroom and came out a total weirdo. He wasn’t there anymore, behind his eyes, and when the scene started, I wasn’t there, to him. Hey, do what you want, but not what I don’t want when it involves me! Crazy, huh? I had never been raped in my life, but I got a glimpse, through that scene, of what it must be like. I semi-wished I’d been coked out, too, because I would have ripped his useless face off. For the most part, though, it was always a mature experience. Oh wait… Didn’t Vitale’s long time girlfriend Brianna Banks turn him into a cripple by running over him with her car? Someone told me that years ago. I actually laughed when I heard it, but only because I know he used to beat her. What a bastard!

You can also read a recent interview with Julie at LukeIsBack.

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