Cytherea wants you to financially support her comeback.

Posted on May 4, 2009




She admits she’s mentally and physically exhausted but somehow thinks coming back to porn will make it all better?? She needs the money to support her family and wants her 3,000 Myspace fans to donate. She wants to get plastic surgery so to make her comeback even better. And how do we know this comeback is for real?

All these women that are now coming back are coming back when the industry is in its worst shape ever. A once top porn star won’t guarantee anything now. How much money does she think she can make coming back into porn? Why doesn’t she escort or go to the Bunny Ranch where she could probably make more money and use a condom too.

Everyone has problems and many can’t pay the bills. But they’re not on a social network asking people to pay their bills. It just floors me when I see people do this in the adult industry or in any industry. She already admits to being mentally drained. Coming back and performing will just destroy her beyond repair and her children will be the ones paying the price.

From her Myspace page:

    April 25, 2009 – Saturday

    My Comeback!!!!

    Category: Goals, Plans, Hopes

    Hey Everyone,

    I know some time has gone by since my last blog, and as my true followers and fans know I have had my hands full. Having a family has really taken alot out of me. Mentally, physically, and financially.

    I really miss being in Movies for you guys and gals! And one of the biggest factors that will help me get back into the Swing of things is going to be my loyal and wonderful FANS!!!!

    As I said before, I am mentally, physically, and financially exhausted. So my Fans will be able to help me with all of these factors, Because I know you guys love me.

    1. You all have helped me Mentally, that’s easy! With all your emails and messages of encouragement! It has revitalized my drive and passion to get started as soon as possible. I am deeply touched and really appreciate each and everyone of you.

    2. Is a bit of a challenge. I really want to be in top form for all my fans physically. I really want to get some work done! Not to change how I look, but to just pull myself back together to the way I was. (You know before the babies.) It means alot to me to be in tip top shape. So minor surgery is essential to my comeback!!!

    3. And to get physically back in the game, I will need to do a fund raiser, so I can financially be stable enough for my Family and get the surgery that I need to make me the way you all remember me. Firm, tight, and ready to pleasure you all.

    I am doing what I can to save money for this, but I thought to myself. Since I have more than 3000 people in Myspace alone! If each one donated only 5 to 20 dollars each. I could get my surgery, and you would get your Cytherea back.

    I do have some cool things to send you for your donations. The bigger the donation is the cooler the gift is….

    This is how you can make your donation.

    Please give me your email and how much you want to donate.

    Then I will send you, your gift
    1 signed photo. 5.00

    2 signed photos 10.00

    1 signed video 50.00

    Together we can do this and make all our dreams cum true! If you have questions just myspace me and I will be more than happy to answer you.

    Love Cytherea!

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