Is Shy Love the most hated woman in porn?

Posted on November 18, 2008



You never hear a single good thing about this woman. It’s always about her talking negatively about her girls, treating them badly, or subjecting the girls to horrible living conditions. Shy could have been a role model for all other women in the industry but she’s turning out to be this heartless, psycho bitch.

She was recently at xxxPornTalk impersonating Kevin from Type9Models. Moderator Gia Jordan then pointed out that Shy and “Kevin” had the same IP number. She was there denying she was arrested for pimping her girls. A woman with this much power in the industry has turned out to be such a laughing stock.

I felt sorry for her at one time when she was going through her divorce because of everything her husband was putting her through. That’s why I overlooked all these stories about her because I thought much of it was her husband’s doing putting out negative stories about Shy.

Pretty much all the women in the industry have a man behind them when it comes to dealing with all their business ventures. She could have been the one that stood out from the rest of the pack and did it on her own without a man. Jenna Jameson had nothing to do with the running of ClubJenna. Does Tera Patrick actually run Teravision or even sign the paychecks?

Shy Love has just turned out to be such a colossal disappointment and an embarassment. She could have done something good with everything she has but she’s turning on her own. Any real power she had has turned out to be pseudo, faux power.

From AdultFYI:

    Alicia writes: Shy Love has more drama then any other agency in LA question is why do people still even deal with her? Shy has told many girls when forcing them to change there look, that she is what a porn star should look like! If big teeth, huge fake boobs and throwing up your food to weigh 105 is the look then there’s alot of girls who should be out of work. Every other word out her mouth is a lie so it’s time to call her out on a few more…..

    Shy has said that she has been a main stream model for many years working with FHM and doing music videos there isn’t one fhm magazine with the horse in it.

    A few girls have went to shy and told her how her drivers and her BF have hit on them and elan has actually tryed to force him self on girls, she blames them saying that they throw them selves at these guys.
    Shy has blamed dakoda brooks of giving her ex -driver Elan herpes when test came back and proved dakoda DOESN’T have herpes. She has not only went around spreading this lie to other girls but has also banned all her girls including her self from working with her and gave many of her jobs away to jessie alba. Shy claims that she is the one who saved dakoda from going to jail when the police broke down her door for the drugging that was suppose to be going on. Dakoda denies everything.

    Shy went on to brag that she is feature dancing all over the country and opening night clubs in colordo, if she has money to do all this how about getting your house cleaned and not have girls sleeping in a house full of rats, pay your bills because YES she doesn’t own her house her business partners rour and tuli took out a loan to buy the house because she can’t afford it and did mention to girls that some months she can’t afford any of her bills. Shes also been bragging how her ex husband was dumb to take out student loans for her now she won’t pay them what a shady bitch.

    Many of her girls are looking for help to get out of ther contracts but are scared of her blacklisting them so if anyone knows how to help these girls please do share because it’s time that ATM goes down and shy love to close her smelly pussy and get a real career.

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