Update on Sophia Lynn.

Posted on November 11, 2008


Sophia Lynn update

Last month I said how Sophia Lynn had lost custody of her child. What I didn’t know was that story was about two-years-old.

Now thank you to Harvey Dent for this tip from her Myspace page. She’s left porn, works at a Church, and may have regained custody of her child:

“I recently moved to Florida. I am now at home with my child and family. I have had to make a hard decision and I have decided to stay where I am most needed… as a mom. I am looking for work now and am in need of prayers or anyone who has a business in Sarasota. Sometimes you have to put yourself out there to get the answers you need. I pray for anyone who is going through hard times and for those who are lost. You can be found!

I am the former Porn Star known as Sophia Lynn. My real name is Crystal. I now reside in South Dakota. I work at a fabulous church called Celebrate Community Church. My dreams and prayers have come true! I recently quit the adult industry and needed a little help to get back to being Crystal! Heather Veitch and Pastor Loy, along with all church attendees prayed for me a year ago after watching my Primetime special which played on ABC. Well, a year or so later here I am! As they are the answer to my prayers and their prayers worked for me!

I spent a long time looking for something that was missing in my life. I found it once I got clean and started seeing the person that I am again. The strong and good hearted person I am. I never thought that I would move to such a remote place. But, the people in this place have given me so much faith and hope. Pastor Keith Loy and Heather Veitch saved my life. “Pastor Keith, you are a hero!” It is great to see a true Christian that does not judge others and welcomes those who need help, with open arms and love! “Heather, thank you for never giving up and always being a friend. Even when I was at my lowest”.

Celebrate has helped me by not judging me and by giving me a chance. Most people who call themselves Christian would turn their backs to me if they knew what I did. Not this church!! They love everyone and welcome anyone with open arms. Jesus loves everyone! Hopefully other churches will start acting like this one. Then they may just be able to act like a true praticing Christian! I have never found so much happiness and peace in my life. I know this is home and I am here if anyone needs someone to talk to or someone who cares and will not judge or just needs a friend.

It is very hard when you feel as if you have no other choice or you feel as if you are empty for one reason or another. I chose sex and drugs. I lost it all and didn’t realize I had it all at the time. I will never be ashamed of my past. I am who I am today because of it! I have had my fun and had my trials. I do not regret a thing! I will count my blessings everyday though.”

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