Jeff Steward left his wife Sandy for a 25-year-old!

Posted on December 8, 2008



Thank you to Some Girl for leaving these comments on my blog this week!

I’m not going to post the Myspace pages because these women have never done anything to me. But not too long ago Jeff changed his Myspace avatar to what I thought was a picture of him and his wife Sandy. I didn’t study the picture carefully to notice that damn, she’s much younger than he is. There are more pictures on his two Myspace pages which I thought were him and his wife together.

Jeff is 43 and this new girlfriend is 25. She’s the younger version of his wife! Why do you men do that?? Did Sandy leave you for a younger version of you?? That’s why I thought that picture was his wife. Now that I’m looking at their pictures more closely, new girlfriend Michelle could pass for Sandy and Jeff’s daughter or more like Sandy’s sister!

Wife Sandy’s Myspace page says she’s single and that she’s now living in Malibu. She also still has pictures of Jeff in her album. While Jeff is still living in Woodland Hills. No pictures of Sandy in his album. And he says he’s in a relationship. But girlfriend Michelle is living in Woodland Hills too. Are you telling me that he moved her into the home he lived in with his wife and son?? Why wasn’t he kicked out??

Jeff and Sandy have been with each other since high school. They started JM Productions together and she works there. Which all means there was no prenup. Which means Sandy gets HALF!


Jeff is going through a mid-life crisis and got a younger version of his wife. He actually thinks Michelle loves him for him and not for his money. While his wife Sandy has been with him from the beginning and stuck by him throughout his obscenity case. He also thinks Michelle will never cheat on him though she is having an affair with a married man. And she actually thinks he’ll never cheat on her though he left his wife for her. This will not end well. And believe me, it will end and will be an even bigger battle than what Jeff had with the government.

Who is Michelle? If anyone knows more details, contact me. Through email, not through Myspace. Major drama this week as to why I’m not getting messages at both Myspace and emails. Thanks!

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