Max Hardcore at the AEE convention.

Posted on January 24, 2009



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I had said before on here that Max was already serving his time but it was wrong.

His lawyers had filed a motion asking for permission to attend the convention which the judge allowed.

    “The defendant is need to so to complete transactions with other members of the adult entertainment business that would allow him to have the financial ability and arrangements to pay the $75,000.00 corporate fine and to otherwise secure his financial matters while he is away serving his sentence.”

Now this week Max’s lawyers have filed a last minute appeal to the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeal requesting to argue their case.

    “Defendants’ federal obscenity convictions, the first of their kind in decades, are riddled with constitutional difficulties that mandate reversal on appeal,” the attorneys said in a brief filed yesterday. “Given these errors, defendants’ convictions and sentences should be overturned on appeal.”

Picture Sources:


Tony Batman

(lots) Gram Ponante

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